Monday, September 13, 2010

San Diego's New Children's Museum a Delight for Adults too!

It's a joy visiting a museum and find inspiration. Especially in a museum focused on children. A children's museum inherently contains rowdy kid's playful energy along with tired, hungry toddlers needing naps and attention. A visit can be distracting as well as exhausting.  Yet, this museum offers a bonus transcending distraction .  It features artists who stimulate and interest the adult mind as well as a child's.
While your kids are running around enjoying the children's venues, take a moment, read the displays about the artists.  It will add depth and breadth to an adult's experience.  The  museum's web site has a wonderful link giving info on each  artist while explaining their work in detail. (click artists)
 My favorite installation is by featured artist Mungo Thomson titled B/W. You hear his artwork as you enter the museum. You are greeted by the sound of chirping birds. Once inside, you hear whale song. But strangely, what you are really hearing is the opposite of what you thought. One track of b/w speeds up vinyl recordings of humpback whale song 16x until they resemble birdsong; the other track slows down birdsong recordings on vinyl 16x until they resemble whale song. It's an transcendent experience. Your mind grapples with reality hearing opposite of what you know to be true. This created perception distortion is the perfect brain expander enabling one to erase preconceived ideas as you enter the museum and experience other artists and the "talk back" box

The museum itself is a wonder.  Towering three stories, spacious, and utilizing the newest green technology, the building itself  is breathtaking. The museum has wonderful kid friendly activities including painting and clay venues, places to run, jump,as well as hands on creativity, and a wonderfully decorated rock climbing wall. There are special toddler spaces and bubble making. A DJ was there on Sunday adding a fun party atmosphere to the entire museum. It is enormous, yet not overwhelming. It can be explored in two hours so for those with toddlers and pre-schoolers on nap schedules, a wonderful morning or afternoon outing.
 The museum offers a "teen" section.  An area where teens can have privacy in an exclusive section of the museum including a sign stating "only 11 and over allowed".
 Target stores makes this museum free every second Sunday of the month.  Otherwise, it's $10.00 for adults and children, babies under 1 are free. Pretty pricey for a family of 4 as it is also $10.00 to park in the museum's garage. My suggestion, pay to park in the garage, go the second Sunday of the month for free admission. Arrive after 12:00pm when most of the crowds are gone.  The 2:00pm to 4:00pm hours are the least crowded. The museum also features a snack bar with Peet's coffee and delicious items from Whole Foods.  On the 1-4 Museum Mom scale, this whimsical, thoughtful, beautiful museum space get a rousing four exclamation marks!!!!